50 Mr & Mrs Questions (+ How To Play the Game)

Cue lots of giggles with the girls!

Break the ice on your hen weekend by kicking it off with a hen party game guaranteed to get some laughs. Mr and Mrs is the name of the game - but of course the same rules apply for a Mr & Mr or Mrs & Mrs Game! Here we're sharing our top 50 Mr and Mrs questions, with our guide to playing this classic hen party game...

Mr and Mrs Questions

Mr and Mrs Questions for the classic Hen Party game! onefabday.com
Photo by Jenny Quicksall via One Fab Day

How to Play the Mr and Mrs Game

  1. Choose a selection of questions from the list below or add in your own to fit the couple.
  2. Print off two copies and give one copy of questions to the bride's other half to answer honestly. If you want to get creative, you can always film them giving their answers for a multi-media spin on the Mr and Mrs game quiz.
  3. Then provide the second copy of questions to the bride at the hen party (with some bubbly!) and get her to answer them honestly too. After every answer that the bride gives, reveal her partner's answer to see if it’s correct.
  4. The aim of the game is to see how well they know each other and match as many answers as possible! You can even enforce a penalty like shots, dares or booby prizes for every one they get wrong - remember, judge's decision is final!
  5. It's important that the questions you choose aren't too serious, or too difficult. Know your audience and be mindful when picking the questions or making up your own. You don't want to embarrass the bride or make her feel uncomfortable especially if her mum or mum-in-law to be are attending.
  6. Fun fact: In the US, the Mr & Mrs Game is also called the Paddle Game or the Newlywed Game and is often played at the wedding during the speeches!
Mr and Mrs Questions for the classic Hen Party game! onefabday.com
Photo by Evelyn Eslava via One Fab Day

50 Mr & Mrs Questions

Of course, you don't need to all of these (stick to about 15-20) but here are some of our favourite Mr and Mrs quiz questions that are sure to provide funny answers!

  1. What did they wear on the first date?
  2. Who said 'I love you' first?
  3. Who's the better kisser?
  4. What is their star sign?
  5. What's their weirded quirk?
  6. Embarrassing crush?
  7. Which Disney character are they most like?
  8. Who is the tidiest?
  9. Who is the best cook?
  10. Who is most likely to deal with a spider?
  11. What is their worst habit?
  12. What is their pet name for you?
  13. What is their favourite thing about you?
  14. What is their favourite thing about themselves?
  15. The thing they're most likely to end up in jail for?
  16. The thing they're most likely to go viral for?
  17. What is their perfect pizza topping?
  18. What is the first movie you saw together?
  19. What is their favourite movie?
  20. What’s her bra size?
  21. What is his/her shoe size?
  22. Would they rather spend an evening in with you or a night out with you?
  23. What would be their last meal?
  24. What are you most likely to argue about?
  25. What celebrity couple are you most like?
  26. What is their favourite flavour of crisps?
  27. If they could only eat one food for the rest of his/her life what would it be?
  28. Who has the worst handwriting?
  29. What would be your partner’s favourite job, other than the one they are doing now?
  30. If they could throw a themed party what would it be?
  31. How does your partner like their tea/coffee?
  32. How does your partner like their eggs cooked?
  33. Who is the better driver?
  34. What’s their dream car?
  35. Who has the most exes?
  36. Most prized possession? The item they'd save in a fire (apart from you!)
  37. What is their karaoke go-to song?
  38. What celebrity would they want with them on a desert island?
  39. Favourite movie/band/TV show if they're trying to be cool?
  40. Favourite movie/band/TV show if they're being honest?
  41. What is their biggest fear?
  42. What was their first pet called?
  43. Your partner wins the lotto – how would they spend it?
  44. What was the best present they ever gave you?
  45. What is his/her favourite flavour of ice-cream?
  46. What's his/her favourite thing for you to wear?
  47. Which item of clothing of his/hers do you hate the most?
  48. Who would win in a game of Monopoly?
  49. If they were on Who Wants to be a Millionaire, who would their phone a friend be?
  50. Who will be the most hungover after the wedding?

More Handy Reads for Hen Party Planning:

Looking for a more colourful and offbeat version of the game? We've come up with 50 more Mr & Mrs questions that are a little bit quirky for you to choose from!

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